Telizhenko Nikolay
Telizhenko Nikolay Matveyevich was born on March 16, 1951 in the city of Zvenigorodka, Cherkasy region. Graduated from the Lviv State Institute of Applied and Decorative Arts (courses of V. Borysenko, V. Ovsiychuk, M. Kurilich). Works in various types of fine and applied arts: wood carvings, graphic art, monumental sculpture, plastic art forms, art ceramics, vitinanka. Lives and works in Cherkasy. Here are his mosaic panels "Cossack Mamay" and "Skomorokhi". He is the author of a large mosaic image of Taras Shevchenko made in 1988 on the facade of the school in the village Budyshche of the Cherkasy district.
photo of the artist: honchar.org.ua