"Icarus", Boryspil Airport
The airport terminal in Boryspil was decorated with five mosaic panels by the authors: Ernest Kotkov, Valery Lamakh, Ivan Lytovchenko. One of them is "Icarus". It is also known that the restaurant in the left wing of the building was decorated with the mosaic panel "Kyiv".
1964 year. Ceramic tiles, concrete.
Boryspil Airport, Terminal B.
Photo: Yevgen Nikiforov,
B\W image: Mykhajlo Pekarovskiy, Some Aspects of the Synthesis of Arts. In: Obrazotvorche Mystetytvo, 1969, Nr.3, p.18-19.
Author: Lamakh Valeriy, Lytovchenko Ivan, Kotkov Ernest